Bring your garden inside

It’s Summer Time- Bring your garden inside!

I’m very lucky to be staying with my Mum right now as I look for my next house renovation where I can finally adorn the walls with my own wallpaper!

But for now, I am enjoying making the most of my Mum's beautiful garden and summer is of course when it is at its most lovely…

In fact, it made me realise just how many of my designs started off from sketches I did when visiting her from London.

Living in the city without a garden made me appreciate all the tiny details of the natural world and was maybe why I wanted to surround myself with nature when I was back in my flat.

Now I am based in the countryside- and even though I get to see the tiny changes every day as leaves grow and petals unfurl- I still like to echo the nature that I see outside, in my home by decorating with patterns of leaves and branches.

Whether you are in a country cottage or a city apartment, creating an environment referencing the natural world, be that with vases of flowers, indoor plants or images of plants trailing up your walls- seeing nature in your home will enrich your soul and rest your mind.

Hand drawn tangled brambles with metallic thorns, create the feeling of being nestled in a bramble thicket.

Brambleweb wallpaper in nude

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden”- Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Secret Garden wallpaper in twilight